Our surveyors provide Clients with customer focussed services and solutions using a breadth of knowledge and project experience across many sectors within the construction industry.

Quantity Surveying represents the core service of Appleyard & Trew LLP. Our surveying staff are in the majority chartered, all directly employed and are able to communicate effectively with our Clients and other building professionals. Whatever the project size, the level of service remains the same and our service is totally flexible and can be adapted to suit the individual Client requirements. Our philosophy is simple, we are managing our Client’s money and therefore we should give them maximum choice where to spend it based upon our independent and impartial advice.
Quantity Surveying represents the core service of Appleyard & Trew LLP. Our surveying staff are in the majority chartered, all directly employed and are able to communicate effectively with our Clients and other building professionals. Whatever the project size, the level of service remains the same and our service is totally flexible and can be adapted to suit the individual Client requirements. Our philosophy is simple, we are managing our Client’s money and therefore we should give them maximum choice where to spend it based upon our independent and impartial advice.

Project Management
We provide complete Project Management services, from inception through to occupation specifically formatted to suit our Client’s needs and budgets. Our team of qualified professionals deliver these services based on strong leadership, together with practical experience working within tested management procedures that allow us to challenge and positively contribute throughout to the design, procurement and delivery process. Our skills and resources continue to deliver Project Management across all sectors of the industry recognising individual Client’s needs and objectives and applying management controls to deliver successful outcomes.
Project Management
We provide complete Project Management services, from inception through to occupation specifically formatted to suit our Client’s needs and budgets. Our team of qualified professionals deliver these services based on strong leadership, together with practical experience working within tested management procedures that allow us to challenge and positively contribute throughout to the design, procurement and delivery process. Our skills and resources continue to deliver Project Management across all sectors of the industry recognising individual Client’s needs and objectives and applying management controls to deliver successful outcomes.

Employer’s Agent
Appleyard & Trew undertake the role of Employer’s Agent on design and build projects for both private and public sector Clients. Utilising experienced qualified surveyors, we are involved from commencement through to completion, managing the design team during the pre-contract stages, and administering the contract throughout the construction and post construction phases. Our approach is is both flexible and bespoke to suit the needs of individual Clients, dependent upon the type of project and which key elements are of strategic importance to the Client/end user.
Employer’s Agent
Appleyard & Trew undertake the role of Employer’s Agent on design and build projects for both private and public sector Clients. Utilising experienced qualified surveyors, we are involved from commencement through to completion, managing the design team during the pre-contract stages, and administering the contract throughout the construction and post construction phases. Our approach is is both flexible and bespoke to suit the needs of individual Clients, dependent upon the type of project and which key elements are of strategic importance to the Client/end user.

Fund Monitoring
As Monitoring Surveyors, Appleyard & Trew represent various public sector funded organisations in addition to banks and other financial institutions. We provide all with a high quality service based on our extensive professional experience gained within the construction industry. We can assist with the preparation of a pre-lending project review/due diligence reports, followed during construction by regular monitoring and reporting of site progress and expenditure ensuring all requirements of the funding agreement are being properly adhered to, and that sufficient funds are always available to complete the development properly.
Fund Monitoring
As Monitoring Surveyors, Appleyard & Trew represent various public sector funded organisations in addition to banks and other financial institutions. We provide all with a high quality service based on our extensive professional experience gained within the construction industry. We can assist with the preparation of a pre-lending project review/due diligence reports, followed during construction by regular monitoring and reporting of site progress and expenditure ensuring all requirements of the funding agreement are being properly adhered to, and that sufficient funds are always available to complete the development properly.

Appleyard & Trew have a high regard for Health & Safety in construction and are well placed to provide advice to Clients and Designers to meet the requirements of CDM 2015, in accordance with the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, underpinned by over 20 years of experience in dealing with the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations.
Our Health & Safety specialists are design and construction professionals, qualified IMaPS and included on the CDM register with the Association for Project Safety and can offer the role of Principal Designer and/or CDM Adviser to Clients and other construction professionals.
Appleyard & Trew have a high regard for Health & Safety in construction and are well placed to provide advice to Clients and Designers to meet the requirements of CDM 2015, in accordance with the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, underpinned by over 20 years of experience in dealing with the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations.
Our Health & Safety specialists are design and construction professionals, qualified IMaPS and included on the CDM register with the Association for Project Safety and can offer the role of Principal Designer and/or CDM Adviser to Clients and other construction professionals.

Building Surveying
Utilising our in-depth practical knowledge of the industry, our experienced Building Surveyors are able to offer a full and comprehensive service tailored to suit the individual requirements of both public and private sector Clients.
Typical services include:-
• Commercial Property General Condition Surveys
• Schedules of Condition and Planned Maintenance
• Defects Surveys
• DDA Surveys and Audits
• HHSRS Surveys
• Repairs, Renovation and Adaptations Projects Development and Oversight
• Listed Building and associated Planning Consent Applications
• Contract Administration
Building Surveying
Utilising our in-depth practical knowledge of the industry, our experienced Building Surveyors are able to offer a full and comprehensive service tailored to suit the individual requirements of both public and private sector Clients.
Typical services include:-
• Commercial Property General Condition Surveys
• Schedules of Condition and Planned Maintenance
• Defects Surveys
• DDA Surveys and Audits
• HHSRS Surveys
• Repairs, Renovation and Adaptations Projects Development and Oversight
• Listed Building and associated Planning Consent Applications
• Contract Administration
Appleyard & Trew LLP
Registered in England & Wales with registered number: OC304430
Registered Office:
Suite 1.2, First Floor, Jackson House, Sibson Road, Sale, Cheshire M33 7RR
© 2024 Appleyard & Trew LLP