50th Year In Business

50th Year In Business

It’s been a time to reflect here at Appleyard & Trew amidst the Covid-19 restrictions on the events that took place over the course of last year as part of our “50th year in business” celebrations.

Almost a year ago we celebrated in style at Shrigley Hall with Afternoon Tea followed by a Celebration Ball with familiar faces spanning A&T’s history, including one of our founding partners, Ian Trew and his family.  Photos of the 25th year celebrations were set up around the room which gave everyone a good giggle, many celebrating then are still with us!  It was a brilliant evening with all four offices coming together to celebrate and share stories and welcome some new faces.

We also raised money for our chosen Charity of the Year, Leeds MIND by hosting quiz nights and held events and parties throughout the UK to celebrate with Clients, fellow consultants and friends of the Partnership.

Our staff were also treated to various delights including white water rafting for the adventurous and days out at The Yorkshire Show, the opening of the Cartoon Museum and many more.

Hellos and goodbyes

Hellos and goodbyes

As we recently moved into our new financial year and the challenges of Covid-19 it was also time to reflect on changes in our team taking us into the future.

We said goodbye to two retiring Partners, Mark Cummins and Mark Adams, who for a combined total of 53 years have contributed to the success and development of the Partnership and will be truly missed.

At the same time we said goodbye to Gill Hurden who after 20 years in the London office decided there was a lot of the world still to see.  We will miss those cheering chats of her adventures.

The lockdown took away our chance to say goodbye in the usual way, but we look forward to meeting up later this year to celebrate with them and our new recruits.

This year has also seen some exciting introductions and we have welcomed:

  • Joseph Smith as an Associate in our London office
  • Richard Bellis as an Associate in our Sale office
  • Lauren Leys in London replacing Gill
  • Bradlee Pease in Harrogate through the apprenticeship scheme
  • Craig Ford as our trainee in the Sale office

So, we are growing and we hope that new recruits will be as key in the future as our retirees.